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Tschüss Zettelwirtschaft dank Moss: Die Plattform vereinfacht  die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Steuerberater und Mandanten.

Put an end to your document chaos – intelligent billing system for credit cards & travel expenses with Moss

"Moss has made billing for credit cards and travel expenses much easier in our office", says Thomas Langer when talking about the technology-driven financial management platform Moss. His tax consultancy office has been working with the Berlin-based credit card start-up since August 2021.

The smooth way to manage credit cards

Moss offers companies with up to 500 employees easy and secure access to any number of virtual and physical company credit cards - covering everything from unlimited to budgeted transactions or one-off to earmarked purchases. However, it doesn't stop there - with the help of the intuitive Moss software, companies get even more, including a greater overview for their expenditure management and more flexibility. That means employees no longer have to beg the secretary for the "department's credit card". They can upload and have bills reimbursed themselves without any time-consuming transaction work for the accounting department. Companies also have transparency at all times as to which credit card payments have been made and which receipts are missing.

At last! No more time-consuming document searches

Thanks to Moss, working with your tax consultant will also be more time-saving and streamlined - and this is why:

  • Manual credit card transactions are completely eliminated for accounting firms.
  • Credit card transactions can be posted to nominal accounts, cost centres or creditors via an automated accounting system.
  • All bookings can be imported by the client.

In addition, the responsible employees in any company or tax office no longer have to chase up missing credit card receipts - normally a huge hassle for tax consultants. Moss now takes care of that because a digital receipt will always be produced and required for each transaction.

Alle Abrechnungen für Kreditkarten und Reisen werden digital erfasst, vorkontiert und sind übersichtlich im Moss-Dashboard sichtbar.

For those keen travellers and credit-card users

More than 80 tax consultancies throughout Germany work with Moss. Thomas Langer is one of them. Since July 2022, his tax consultancy has been one of the few fully certified partner consultancies that work with and know the Moss software inside out. Of the 700 clients of the Berlin tax experts, it's the medium-sized companies that mostly use Moss. In essence, clients who travel a lot and pay a lot by credit card. Rana Kiyan from Moss Partner Management says: "We not only help the tax consultancy save time and optimise processes, but also pass on the added value of our tool to the clients - a win-win-win for all parties involved in the next level of digitalisation."

A super tool that is totally in line with us

"This really is a super tool - billing for credit cards, travel expenses and invoice management, just the way it should be," concludes Thomas Langer, who is also a big fan of the 1A connections to DATEV. He adds, "A well developed solution that fits well with what we do as a digital tax consultancy office on a daily basis.

Image source: getmoss.com